Paddlefest races start at 7:00 am. Recreational paddlers follow, with the put-in closing at 8:30 am.
The river opens to motorized traffic at 12:30 pm. We ask that all paddlers be off the river by noon.
We offer two paddling distance — 9 miles or 4.5 miles.
The Ohio River in August is typically slow moving. Paddling will feel more like being on a lake than a smaller river, such as the Little Miami.
While paddling times vary, the average paddler can expect to spend 1.5-2 hours paddling the 4.5-mile route and 3-4 hours paddling the 9-mile route. River flow can impact these estimates.
Dogs are welcome to participate in Paddlefest. However, your dog should only attend the event if it is well-behaved, comfortable in crowds and calm in transit.
The safety of all Paddlefest participants is our paramount concern. While both the Outdoors for All Expo and Ohio River Paddlefest are rain-or-shine events, lightning has the potential to delay or cancel the event. Paddlefest organizers will remain in close communication with the National Weather Service and will be monitoring the area continuously for lightning strikes before and during the event.
Delayed Launch
If thunderstorms are in the immediate area but are expected to pass in 1-2 hours, Paddlefest launch may be delayed 1 hour to begin at 8 a.m., or further delayed for 2 hours to start at 9 a.m.
Cancelation Prior to Launch
If we are not able to launch all boats by 10 a.m., or if the weather forecast early Saturday calls for continued thunderstorms, we will make the decision to cancel the event prior to launch. Buses will continue to run so paddlers who pre-parked at Gilday can retrieve their vehicles.
Inclement Weather After Launch
Should lightning pop up nearby after paddlers have launched, paddlers will be alerted by three horn blasts from the safety boats along the route. This is the signal for all paddlers to immediately paddle to the nearest shore, exit their boat and wait for the storm to pass, staying clear of tall trees and structures. Safety boats will signal the all-clear with a single horn blast, alerting paddlers that they may resume their trip. Should the paddle extend beyond the 12:30 p.m. river closure time, paddlers may need to paddle along the right riverbank as they complete the route to allow safety boats to provide maximum protection.
Yes, paddlers must be at least 4 years old to participate in Paddlefest.
Registration & Rentals
If rental boats aren’t showing in the online registration system, they are sold out. Starting on the Wednesday before Paddlefest, remaining rental boats can only be reserved in person.
No. We no longer provide a giveaway shirt at Paddlefest. Shirts can be purchased during registration or at the merch tent.
Please find details about packet pickup options here.
Please do! We donate to the high school teams to help haul boats, but extra donations are always appreciated.
Parking & Shuttles
Yes. Early bird parkers can catch a pre-paddle shuttle from the 9-mile finish at Gilday Riverside Park, 6:00-7:30 am.
Pre-paddle shuttles from Public Landing for 4.5-mile course participants run from 7:00 am until 8:15 am. -
Yes, we provide free shuttles from both take out location to the start of Paddlefest at Schmidt Recreation Complex.
No, parking space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis for pre-paddle shuttles.
We welcome paddlers to camp at Schmidt Recreation Complex on Friday night. You can reserve your camping permit as a part of registration. Camping permits allow you to leave your vehicle at Schmidt on Friday night.
Please do not park you car at the take out locations over Friday night. Especially at Gilday Riverside Park, cars parked in advance can disrupt parking/boat pick up plans for Saturday.
All parking lots at Paddlefest are free except the Public Landing, where parking costs $5.
Food & Drink
Please remember to bring a water bottle with you to the river. There will be filling stations at the put-in and both take outs.
Our friends at Lookout Joe’s provide free coffee each year at Paddlefest. Find them at the top of the boat ramp.
On Friday, there are two beer booths at the Expo. One is near the food trucks, while the other is close to the stage.
On Saturday, paddlers can enjoy a cold brew when they exit the river at our 9-mile finish. There is no beer at the 4.5-mile finish. Alcohol is not permitted on the river.